Tuesday 13 September 2016

Doctors Risking their Life for Quick Money... How an Implant that is not approved can kill your Practice and land you in Jail? Read this article.

Doctors Risking their Life for Quick Money... How an Implant that is not approved can kill your Practice and land you in Jail? Read this article.

Menace of Fake Implant Companies

Doctors Risking their Life for Quick Money... How an Implant that is not approved can kill your Practice and land you in Jail? Read this article.

Are you an Implantologist?
Are you a Dental Surgeon who calls a visiting Implantologist for Implant Surgeries?

if YES,,, then this Article is for YOU

Have you ever thought  that why one implant costs 14000 rupees and why a similar one costs just 3500 or 4000?
There is a big scam going on involving people who import dental implant and people who bring those implant to you. In a way you also become part of this scam when you put the same implant in a patients mouth. Worried??? Yes you should be worried. Under the Indian penal code and Indian Laws, Selling or putting an unapproved dental implant is same as giving somebody COCAINE.

How this SCAM works, or how can you become an Implant Scamster Yourself???? This is a very lucrative business and in this article i will expose the same.

This scam has Many Leaders so we can explain it in different headings.

First Person is the SUPPLIER 

Second is the MASTER MIND of the SCAM. He has big connections in Custom and has some political connection which keeps him safe. The MASTERMIND, should be a doctor. Because this scam runs on a small loophole in Indian Law according to which everybody except a Doctor, needs a drug license to import Surgical and Medical Goods.

Third is the LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE. Who are poor and come to this scam because they trust the MASTER MIND or get good money as commission to sell the product.

Fourth is THE DENTISTYOU.  You buy the Implant at cheap rates and put it in your patient and wait for the day when you will see the JAIL. Because it is very difficult to catch anybody above you in the scam. You are always the soft target.

How this Works???
it is always easy to put allegations. But when I put an allegation, it has substance.

Try Calling this number or sending a message that  you are a dental surgeon who needs Dental Implant and you will pay at the max $20 for one implant.
the number is: +972525979993
his name is Barak Levy and he is a dealer of Dental Implant company in Israel. He will bargain with you a lot. But if you give him a commitment to:
Buy 1 Unbranded Implant: he will agree at cost of $25
Buy 100 Unbranded Implant: He will agree at selling it for $23
Buy 300 Unbranded Implant with one shot payment he will give you in $18

Barak is a DALAL sitting in Israel. He is the first person in the scam, whom we call the SUPPLIER

By now you must have understood who is the MASTERMIND over here,its YOU.

As you are a Dental Surgeon or a Physiotherapist or MBBS, you have the natural license to import Implants for research purpose. But not for medical use on Humans till Government of India approves it. Mr BARAK will send you Dental Implants, he is an honest person. The Implants he will send you will be in double barrel pack.
this is how the double barrel pack looks like:
is it looking familiar.

OH MY GOD, if it looks familiar, then dear you have been SCAMMED

Dear Doctor and knowingly or unknowingly you have landed yourself in a big trouble. Because the Implant which you bought in this Double Barrel Pack is most probably not Registered in the country and hence you gave your patient a treatment which is illegal..

What happens to this double barrel pack??
The MasterMind who in this case is you, has a small warehouse where he repacks these Double Barrel implants in beautiful packs so that  the poor dentist will be fooled and he buys the product.

SO, what is wrong in buying the implant???
Yes it is wrong because:
1.The implant you bought or sold was not registered with ICMR, ISI, Indian Drug Controller etc. So it is illegal to use them in Humans.
2. The implant you bought or sold was bought for research, which is on Dead animal, because even to test on live animal you need a lot of permission.
3.Taxes were not paid so by using this implant you become a Criminal even the eyes of Revenue Department.

Then why nobody is being caught?
I had a talk with the Drug Inspector regarding this. What he said in his own words: " Sir ji humein sab pata hai. But jab doctor aise implant khareedta hai to use bill nai milta. Jab bill hi nai hai, then how can i catch a company. In that case the Doctor who has used the implant becomes the criminal. And we know generally doctor ko pata hi nai hota ki wo crime kar raha hai, isliye hum chhod dete hain."

But my question is till when you as a doctor will live on the mercy of a good Drug Inspector.

What as a Dentist you should do?
1. Never buy UNBILLED Implant
2. Always choose a company which has a registered office in India. Example: Nobel biocare, Ankylos,Bio Horizon, Osstem, INO, Osshex, Nio, Norris, Alpha Biocare, Zimmer, Straumann etc.
3. Never use a fake company like: LOL why should i make enemies, you do your own research. HAHAHAHAHAAH.

Remeber, all Registered Implants are costly. That is easy way to find which one is registered or fake.

Best of Luck, You are a better judge.